Monday, March 12, 2012

Important News Flash from Florence

Remember we wrote that the ladies did a little shopping here in Florence, well, we have just received a telegram message from the Canadian Embassy here in Italy.

Apparently, the Italian Parliament is introducing an official resolution to commend the visiting students from Madonna C.S.S on the incredible and very diligent effort that they have made to put an end to the European debt crisis.

Way to go, girls!

Who would have guessed? And we still have a few hours of shopping time left tomorrow.

(Thanks to all the folks who are checking the blog and sending comments. We are all impressed by the number of people who are taking the time to follow us along on this little adventure.) Ciao a tutti.


  1. Way to go girls, all the Nonnas worried about the state of Italy would be proud of you!

  2. Hi All,

    Wish I was there.
    Dog whisperer, your dog misses you.

    Mr. Trabona

  3. it seems it took the Madonna girls very little time to get them back on track!
    I hope they remembered to multiply by 1.30

    Angela M.

  4. Maybe the girls could go to Greece and help out there...LOL

    Mrs. Totino
